**Discounted from $11**
Comes packaged in a hard plastic snap case. 2018 Team Set includes: Khalil Lee, Nolan Becker, Anthony Bender, Bryan Brickhouse, D.J. Burt, Justin Camp, Gabriel Cancel, Angelo Castellano, Cristian Castillo, Chris DeVito, Brandon Downes, Xavier Fernandez, Gerson Garabito, Grant Gavin, Ofreidy Gomez, Nick Heath, Arnaldo Hernandez, Rudy Martin, Kort Peterson, Emmanuel Rivera, Jared Ruxer, Vance Tatum, Chase Vallot,Meibrys Viloria, Jace Vines, Matt Wynne, Darryl Kennedy, Doug Henry, Abraham Nunez, Chris Widger, James Stone, Will Gilmore, and the one and only Rocky Bluewinkle!