Lehigh Valley Wooder Ice
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On a hot summer’s day, there isn’t a better tasty treat that can help quench one’s thirst or cool you down better than a good old fashioned “Wooder Ice”. The Lehigh Valley IronPigs will be changing their name to the Lehigh Valley “Wooder Ice” on July 23rd, a cool tribute to the city of Philadelphia during the team’s annual Salute to Philadelphia game.
“There is no confusion as to how to pronounce water ice,” said IronPigs President and General Manager Kurt Landes. “I learned quick and fast that the passionate fans of Philadelphia recognize this amazing summer delicacy as ‘wooder ice.’ It’s appropriate that we not only pronounce it correctly, but going forward, we spell it how it sounds!”
“There is no confusion as to how to pronounce water ice,” said IronPigs President and General Manager Kurt Landes. “I learned quick and fast that the passionate fans of Philadelphia recognize this amazing summer delicacy as ‘wooder ice.’ It’s appropriate that we not only pronounce it correctly, but going forward, we spell it how it sounds!”
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